2017 UDL Symposium has ended

 Welcome Letter with Pre-Conference Details
 Session Evaluation
 Goal Setting Organizer

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Wendy Passer

Think Better, LLC
Conversational Intelligence® Coach & Partnership Developer
Greater Detroit Area
Wendy Passer is a certified Conversational Intelligence® coach who clears obstacles getting in the way of neurodiverse learners' greatness.

Wendy is also a 30-year media and marketing veteran who used to spend her time tapping into micro and mass audiences' mindsets. Now she helps educational stakeholders unwrap intellectual gifts waiting inside the minds of neuro-constricted thinkers.

Wendy has been raising neuroscience awareness on how a brain works, since 2004 when her daughter started struggling academically and falling through the cracks.
During that same time, Wendy discovered the root of her emotional pain, once she uncovered her struggles with learning were based on undiagnosed invisible learning differences. Ever since she's been on a quest to reduce the stress of struggling learners by increasing the understanding of others and human connection, stimulating healthy neurochemistry which opens-up the brain to learning.

“Looking Back to Look Forward” workshop will help bring light to behavior patterns in your life that might have gone unnoticed without pinpointing common threads.

For individuals living with or around invisible learning differences, unraveling their story and seeing connections can be a little more difficult, due to the continuous flow of thoughts interrupting the brain.

Let this unique encounter become a reflection hub for your mind, by revealing possible blind-spots that might be keeping you from reaching your aspired destination.